(should be dated February 17, 2011)

I cannot believe you are THREE years old! It seems like just yesterday that I got the call from your mommy and daddy telling me they were going to see Mawmaw and G-daddy to tell them! I screamed and then cried and then called Uncle Jack to tell him! What a joy you have been from the beginning! My favorite pre-birth memory was walking into your mommy and daddy's house and your mom exclaiming "Terri Leigh! only ... ??" and I said "16 days!" to which she quickly put her hands on her belly and said "hey buddy, you gotta get out of there!" Yes, your rockstar mama had a bridesmaid dress to wear as I married Uncle Jack. You were born 13 days before we got married! I held you everyday over those 13 days so that you wouldn't forget me when I went on my honeymoon. You can always make me smile. On a bad day I can call your mommy and she says " come see us - we can make you smile!" You learn new things ALL the time and remember EVERYTHING. The way you say things or tell me "T, I not say dat wight" make me laugh. I am thankful for our "chick a lay" dates and that you like to come to my pond. You are an excellent shopper and goodness you even tell me I'm pretty when my hair is up in rollers. You are truly a doll! You are the only person who can just take my water bottle and after drinking the WHOLE thing bring it back to me just a smilin' like you didn't do anything out of the ordinary. I pray that one day you too will know your sin and understand that you need a Savior. Truly greater than being your "Sweet T" would be being your sister in Christ. I am grateful that you are learning about Him at such an early age and I am praying that you will love Him and walk with Him for all the days to come. I love you little buddy and look forward to watching you grow up!

(chick a lay ice cream for the first time!)
(first football season!)
(we were tailgatin' partners!)
(can't believe you were 1!)
(holding your little brother!)
(getting ready to leave for Africa!)
(this was the day of your 2nd bday party!)
(You and me at your 3rd bday party!)
(eating cupcakes on my front porch "lookin' at da pond")